Go Ballistic » Paintball sites Near Derby Derby » Paintball Derby site
Derby Paintball
site Introduction
Welcome to the premier Paintball Site in Derby For an action-packed and utterly unforgettable paintball experience, rally your troops and head into battle at our superb Derby venue.You’ll be treated to 8 of the best game zones and combat scenarios in the country, where you can engage the enemy in some truly classic team missions including Capture the Flag, Search and Destroy, Tower Demolition and Last Man Standing. Boasting some truly awesome features, this site is second to none as you’ll soon discover as you battle it out amongst tanks, huts, barricades and even ancient burial mounds. So book today and enjoy some heart-racing, frantic fun, the kind that only an action packed paintball experience can provide! We’re located only 10 minutes from central Derby and easily accessed just off the A52. Full maps and directions are provided on completion of booking.
- Available for all ages
- Packages start from £pp
Venue Ref: 10938-1,284