Go Ballistic » Paintball sites Near Radcliffe Greater Manchester » Paintball Manchester site
Manchester Paintball
site Introduction
Welcome to the premier Paintball Site in Manchester This fantastic site, easily accessible from Manchester and the north-west, features several gaming areas across our woodland battleground and several unique features including ditches, streams, swamps, forts, pillbox’s and much more! You'll need strategy, skill, teamwork and paintballs. Duck for cover from enemy fire then launch a volley of paint back at them. So whether targeting friends, family, colleagues, stags or hens this great paintball venue is an excellent choice for wannabe action men and women of all ages. Easily accessible from all over the north-west from junction 17 off the M60 motorway. Full maps and directions will be provided on completion of booking.
- Available for all ages
- Packages start from £pp
Venue Ref: 10713-1,284