Go Ballistic » Clay Pigeon Shooting ranges Near Cambridge Cambridgeshire » Clay Pigeon Shooting Cambridge range
Cambridge Clay Pigeon Shooting
range Location
Based in the south of Cambridge, our awesome Clay Pigeon Shooting venue is within reach of several excellent tourist attractions such as the Imperial War Museum and Audley End House and Gardens. You can find us just off the A505 and close to Junction 10 of the M11. Full travel information will be printed on your booking confirmation receipt.
Based in the south of Cambridge, our awesome Clay Pigeon Shooting venue is within reach of several excellent tourist attractions such as the Imperial War Museum and Audley End House and Gardens. You can find us just off the A505 and close to Junction 10 of the M11. Full travel information will be printed on your booking confirmation receipt.
Maps and directions used on our website are for guide purposes only. Please use the directions supplied with your booking confirmation when making travel arrangements.
Venue Ref: 8595-5